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Multi-file wordcount – an exercise in concurrent Ruby

Web frameworks have TodoMVC as a standard exercise, in which you build a little to-do list app. It’s a cute way to showcase the features of that framework and get to know it a little better.

My friend Dan Friedman is trying to do the same but for programming languages, with concurrent-wc! It’s an exercise to build a utility that mimicks wc -l (which counts the lines in a file), but applied to a whole directory – which is a nice excuse to use some concurrency!

Seeing as he and Nick had already written a Go implementation, I thought I’d try my hand at Ruby.

While being a lovely language, Ruby unfortunately doesn’t have very powerful concurrency features. Don’t expect stellar performance!

The boring base case

def get_results(files, basepath)
  results = {}

  files.each do |f|
    lines = File.readlines File.join(basepath, f)
    results[f] = lines.length

  return results

We loop through a list of files, sequentially reading their contents and counting the number of lines. We store that value keyed to the file’s name in a hash.

Ruby threads

def get_results_green_threaded(files, basepath)
  results = {}
  threads = []
  mu =

  files.each do |f|
    threads << do
      lines = File.readlines File.join(basepath, f)
      mu.synchronize do
        results[f] = lines.length

  return results

The Thread primitive in Ruby is confusing. Prior to Ruby 1.9, these were “green threads”, meaning the Ruby VM runs them in a single native thread, onto which it multiplexes the execution of these pretend threads.

However, as of Ruby 1.9 (we’re on 2.4.something at the moment), Thread actually creates a real, native OS thread. However: these threads don’t actually run concurrently (even if they do exist in parallel) because the Ruby VM holds a Global VM Lock (GVL) which ensures only one thread is active at once.

So this isn’t likely to give us much of a speedup.

Native (OS) threads

def get_results_system_threads(files, basepath)
  results = {}

  reader, writer = IO.pipe

  files.each do |f|
    fork do
      reader.close # we aren't using the reader pipe inside the forked process

      lines = File.readlines File.join(basepath, f)
      writer.puts lines.length.to_s + "§" + f

  while msg = reader.gets
    length, f = msg.split("§")
    results[f] = length


  return results

It gets a bit gnarly here.

We’re doing much the same as before, but instead of calling, we call fork. At that point in the code, an entirely new process is made, bringing with it a copy of the Ruby VM.

Once we’re inside the fork block, we’re running in a totally separate process from the parent. As we’re not sharing the memory of the parent at all, we can’t just write to a hash – the child process has its own copy of that hash, so there’s no way for the parent to know what updates it’s making.

Instead, we have to use inter-process communication. Here, I open a UNIX pipe, have each process write their result to it, and read from the pipe until it’s drained.


$ ruby test.rb ~/Desktop
System threads and socket IPC - 0.437s
Green threads - 0.460s
Base case - 0.351s

Yeah. Not a huge win for Ruby’s concurrency primitives here. The added overhead of green threads and native OS threads outweighs any concurrency gain, it seems.

However: the native threaded version can be tweaked a bit. Spawning a new thread for each file we want to parse doesn’t make sense. Can we just make a small number of threads, one for each core of the machine’s processor, and assign work to those threads dynamically, like coroutines?

def get_results_threadpool(files, basepath)
  require 'socket'
  results = {}
  sockets = []
  threads = []

  4.times { sockets << create_socket_slave(basepath) }

  socket_pool = do |y|
    loop do
      y << sockets[0]
      y << sockets[1]
      y << sockets[2]
      y << sockets[3]

  threads << {
    files.each do |f|
      socket_pool.take(1).first.send(f, 0)

    socket_pool.take(4).map { |s| s.send("BREAK", 0)}

  threads << {
    files.length.times do
      msg = socket_pool.take(1).first.recv(500).force_encoding('UTF-8')
      length, f = msg.split("§")
      results[f] = length


  return results

def create_socket_slave(basepath)
  parent_socket, child_socket = Socket.pair(:UNIX, :DGRAM, 0)

  fork do
    while f = child_socket.recv(500)
      break if f == "BREAK"
      lines = File.readlines File.join(basepath, f)
      child_socket.send(lines.length.to_s + "§" + f, 0)

  return parent_socket

So, there’s a lot of horror here. For each coroutine, we create a pair of joined sockets (Ruby’s Socket.pair() makes a syscall to socketpair(2)). One end gets kept by the parent process, and the other by the child process. They then use these to communicate – the parent sending in a list of files for the children to process; the children sending back the results (until they receive the “BREAK” signal, where they terminate).

(Note that the implementation of these coroutines is very basic. I’m using an Enumerator to loop through all the processes round-robin, rather than assigning work to processes that are idle, which would be much more efficient.)

And the results?

$ ruby test.rb ~/Desktop
System threads and socket IPC - 1.518s

Oh well. Thanks for joining my sojourn into concurrency in Ruby!

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